Deko-Light KAPEGO LED DIMMER 3, 360w 12/24vDC, 3 Channel Dimmer, DMX, 0-10v, Manual or automatic operation
Deko-Light KAPEGO LED DIMMER 3, 360w 12/24vDC, 3 Channel Dimmer, DMX, 0-10v, Manual or automatic operation
Other similar products include: click on highlighted code for more information
Deko-Light KAPEGO LED DIMMER 2, 360w 12/24vDC, 1-2 Channel Dimmer, DMX, 0-10v, Manual or automatic operation. Code: (843336)
Deko-Light KAPEGO LED DIMMER 3, 360w 12/24vDC, 3 Channel Dimmer, DMX, 0-10v, Manual or automatic operation. Code: (843335)
Deko-Light LCD Dimmer 4, 480w 12/24vDC, for use as master or slave for DMX colour changing manually or via a suitable wall controller see below.
An LCD version is available if you would like to set thee colours automatically and dont use a wall controller to select colours fade rate etc. Code: (843269)
For suitable wall controller see Code: (843000) click here to view product
Dimensions (mm):
115 (l) x 57 (w) x 25 (h)